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your premier destination for industrial sewing machines worldwide. With a network of over 300 distributors all over the globe, we’ve dedicated ourselves to excellence in distribution for over 70 years.

Through the adoption of smart manufacturing techniques, our factories are achieving tighter tolerances, higher output rates, and improved product quality. This is a big transformation in our traditional industry, together with our partners.

votre réussite

With advancements in digital design and fabrication technologies, future sewing machines will offer greater customization options, allowing users to create unique application, personalized manufacturing more closer to home 




L'avenir de la fabrication textile promet une révolution alimentée par des technologies de pointe et des pratiques durables. Des innovations telles que le tricotage en 3D, l'impression numérique de textiles et la couture automatisée sont en train de remodeler l'industrie, offrant plus de flexibilité, de personnalisation et d'efficacité.

Avec l'essor des textiles intelligents dotés de capteurs et d'électronique, les vêtements offriront non seulement confort et style, mais aussi des fonctionnalités, telles que la surveillance de la santé ou le contrôle de la température. En outre, les progrès de la science des matériaux, y compris les fibres biosourcées et recyclées, contribueront à une chaîne d'approvisionnement plus durable et plus respectueuse de l'environnement.

À l'avenir, la fabrication de textiles sera caractérisée par une production décentralisée, rendue possible par des technologies telles que l'automatisation de la production et la fabrication à la demande, ce qui permettra de réduire les déchets et les émissions dues au transport. 

Overall, the future of textile manufacturing holds promises for a more sustainable, technologically advanced, and socially responsible industry that meets the evolving needs of consumers while minimizing its environmental footprint. 


From humble beginners as a dealer in used machinery, we’ve evolved into a powerhouse, proudly crafting our own brand, Global, including our esteemed Proline series, manufactured in our state-of-the-art facility. Nested in Haarlem, the Netherlands, our sprawling 12,000 m2 headquarters houses an extensive inventory of sewing machines and spare parts. Additionally, we hold exclusive distribution rights for several well-known brands and offer  modifications tailored to our clients’ needs.


Back in 1950, Jan de Vlieger, founder of IMCA, started collecting antique sewing machines and he has built up, together with the whole “De Vlieger” family one of the nicest collections of antique sewing machines. In 1990 the family decided to custom build a 240 m2  sewing machine museum for this unique collection, which gives this sewing machine collection the right place to be shown.

Finding history

Collecting antique sewing machines is like uncovering hidden treasures from the past. Each machine tells a unique story, showcasing the craftsmanship and innovation of its time. From intricate designs to mechanical marvels, these vintage beauties are both functional tools and pieces of art. With each find comes the thrill of discovery and the opportunity to preserve a piece of history for future generations to admire.

Prendre contact


+31 23 531 9584

Hendrik Figeeweg 4,
Haarlem, Pays-Bas