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SM 7860 ST

SM 7860 ST

Downloads finden Sie auf unserer Download-Seite für die SM 7800 Series.


The product specifications for the SM 7860 ST:

  • Complete table, stand and motor
  • Machine speed: 250 spm
  • Staple shank length: 9 mm
  • Steel wire diameter: 0,6 mm
  • Material thickness: 3 – 13 mm



SM 7860 ST

This machine is used in Goodyear production, to tighten the cut to the last and fit it to the rib by using staples, which the machine itself produces from a roll of wire. The adjustable pincers, facilitate the tightening operation, pulling the leather and the lining against the rib while the machine nails the staples. As  the wire is very thin, it does not complicate to make the welt stitching. This machine has been designed to solve the common problems of mechanical machines, by replacing the brake and clutch with a variable speed electronic

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+31 23 531 9584

Hendrik Figeeweg 4,
Haarlem, Die Niederlande